Miami Swim Week 2024

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Year in Review with Cynthia Rowley.

Remember in the past, when you couldn’t wait for the year to end and half-joked that it was the worst year ever? Let’s just say you spoke too soon. This was arguably a worse year across the board, but here’s the silver lining: a difficult year that’s seen staggering unemployment and countless shuttered businesses also became a stage for certain causes to shine, and reevaluation all around.

PARAISO quickly connected with few of our favorite brands to hear their thoughts.

What is your biggest lesson learned from 2020? 

2020 has been crazy, to say the least. But, I’ve learned to embrace the chaos. 

What are you most excited about for next year? 

We’ve had to pivot so much this year, but because of that our business has really grown. We are excited to keep learning and evolving. We have gotten to reexamine the way we look at Inclusivity, sustainability, really everything, and 2020 was just the beginning. We’ve also been working on some fun partnerships that I am excited to share with you. You will have to stay tuned. 

Name one Item from Cynthia Rowley collection that you would include in everyone’s holiday shopping list.

Definitely our Snuggie. Everyone needs a little extra comfort this year. It’s like sending someone a hug for the holidays!