10 Clever Holiday Marketing Strategies.

With some planning, and your team’s proactive approach to marketing for the holidays, you can drive more sales and revenue this season.

Try these 10 smart holiday marketing strategies!

1. Show gratitude to shoppers

During the holiday season, consumers can spend a significant amount of time debating where they want to spend their money. That means even loyal and long-term customers may shop elsewhere this season.  An excellent holiday marketing strategy for keeping consumers dedicated and loyal to your brand focuses on gratitude. It is an excellent holiday marketing strategy for keeping consumers dedicated and loyal to your brand. Show shoppers how valuable they are to your business by sending out a thank you email or a physical card.

2. Start your marketing campaign early

Good time to work on your seasonal marketing campaign is in August or September. A holiday marketing campaign can also launch well before November or December. Capture the audience by sending out holiday advertisements and seasonal offers ahead of time. With this approach, you can motivate these early shoppers to purchase your product.

3. Offer free rewards

The holidays are a time of giving — and your consumers want to be on the receiving end of gift giving from time to time too. Highlight special offers, savings, and free promotions whenever possible to amplify your sales during this time of year. While many consumers focus on purchasing gifts, they’re still attracted to the idea of buying something for themselves. Providing a free product or purchase gift is such a compelling holiday marketing strategy. 

4. Embrace email marketing

Pay extra attention to engaging your subscribers during the holidays. Send out emails that highlight your promotions, sales, or seasonal product line. A simple email can make a world of difference by informing and encouraging shoppers, which helps you land additional sales. Throughout the holiday season, businesses send shoppers a variety of offers. That’s why consumers frequently check their email during the holiday shopping season. They want to get the best deal, and email can help them save.

5. Encourage discussions

Whether it’s through your website, blog, or social media accounts, you have multiple platforms to engage your audience. While your company can focus on interacting with consumers during the holiday season, it’s essential to communicate with shoppers year-round. Make an Instagram post to ask followers what they’re most excited about this holiday season. Don’t forget to respond to both negative and positive comments! 

6. Produce festive ads

Produce a series of blog posts or social media status updates that focus on the holidays. Focus on creating ads that feature a holiday touch in the ad copy or ad itself.

7. Retarget customers

Focus on users that visited your site. An astonishing 96 percent of customers will leave a website without making a purchase. With a remarketing ad campaign you can change that. If a shopper provides their email but doesn’t check out, you can send a follow-up email. This email reminds the reader that their cart still has an item in it, which can encourage the user to complete their purchase.

8. Appeal to shopper emotions

The holidays ignite a mixture of emotions, from excitement to nostalgia. A smart holiday marketing strategy appeals to these emotions, which can encourage users to make your company apart of their holiday shopping. When you’re building your holiday marketing campaign, pay extra attention to the emotional appeal of your content. Share inspirational messages on social media, or provide a behind-the-scenes look at how your company celebrates the holidays to evoke powerful feelings.

9. Launch a video marketing campaign

A minute of video is equivalent to eight million words, making video marketing a revolutionary holiday marketing strategy. Adding a video to your website, emails, or social media page can help you share your company’s message in a way that invites users to learn more about your brand. Videos are user-friendly too, plus make it easy for viewers to learn more about your products and their uses. According to 90 percent of users, video also helps them make a purchase decision, which tremendously benefits your company.

10. Market your brand

During the holiday seasons, it is essential for your company to promote your brand. Before the holiday shopping season, put some added effort into your branding so that your customers have more of a reason to invest in your business — especially when the holidays roll around.


Year in Review with PQ Swimwear Owner and CEO Amber Delecce-Forge.
