Vegan Fashion

You know that we at Paraiso Miami Beach are BIG on sustainability, but what about vegan fashion?

For many consumers, ethics and sustainability in fashion centres around the use of animal by-products, this means not only animal furs, hairs and skins used in the clothing, but also silk, feathers, dyes, glues and other chemicals that utilise elements of animals that would not be considered vegan or cruelty-free.

In addition to the obvious and significant ethical issues surrounding the culling and mistreatment of animals for their hides, and being extremely land, water and energy intensive, the leather industry is one of the most environmentally harmful in the world. Leather production is responsible for the emission of more man-made greenhouse gases (18%) than the global transportation industry (13%). The chemicals used in leather tanning make it one of the most toxic processes. Chrome, a known carcinogen, is used in vast measures, and the groundwater in the vicinity of leather tanneries in developing countries has been found to contain critically high concentrations of formaldehyde, lead, and even cyanide.

Famous personalities who choose vegan fashion include actress Pamela Anderson and Alicia Silverstone, actor Joaquin Phoenix, supermodel Christy Turlington, and popstar Pink, to name a few... And YOU, too, can become a vegan fashionista by reading the labels and buying wisely. Below are some common animal products found in clothes and accessories to watch out for.

We were so happy when we found out that big fashion brands are slowly shifting to Vegan or Fur/Leather Free productions. Some of the brands that are already vegan or fur/leather free are Stella McCartney, Victoria Beckham, Gucci, Versace, Prada, Phillip Lim, BCBG, Burberry, Calvin Klein, Chane, Diane von Furstenberg. We are happy that we could just go further with the list but this is enough to put a smile on everyone’s face!


Holiday Eleganza

